TABLE V - Fray test pad assembly (Continued)
6. Fill Pad
Insert sufficient number of fabric squares into partially
assembled pad to achieve 1.0 pound minimum weight
per fray test pad. Fabric squares should be cut to fit
inside the bag (approximately 19.75" X 19.75") and
lay flat. Filling material may be of any textile fabric
without a water repellent treatment.
7. Complete Pad
a. Fold-in seam allowance along open edge; top stitch
with 301 Stitch Type.
b. Secure fabric squares to pad. Top stitch two sides
of the pad, approximately 2 inches into the pad.
Careful not to catch hook or loop tapes on either side.
Finished pad should remain flat without any lumps
throughout laundering.
Table VI - Hook and loop Fastener test pieces
Tape Width
5/8 in
1.0 in 1-1/2 in
2.0 in
4.0 in
9-3/4 in 6-1/2 in 4-1/4 in Not applicable Not Applicable
Fastener tape
# of samples
Cut 4
Cut 4
Cut 2
9-3/4 in
6-1/2 in 7-1/2 in
5.0 in
6.0 in
Fastener tape
# of samples
Cut 4
Cut 4
Cut 4
Cut 2
Cut 2
Box stitch
Vertical center stitch
Figure 1. Hook and loop stitching
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