TABLE V - Fray test pad assembly
1. Cut Fabric Panels
Cut 4 fabric panels approximately 21-inches by 21-
inches from MIL-DTL-44436, Class 8 or equivalent
2. Cut hook and loop
See Table VI for measurements and number of hook
tape pieces
and loop pieces.
3. Position hook and
a. Hook: Evenly space piece(s) of each width of 5/8",
loop tape on fabric
1", and 1-1/2" (Figure 2) on one fabric panel and mark
locations. Repeat procedure with remaining hook
pieces on second fabric panel.
b. Loop: Evenly space piece(s) of each width of 5/8",
1", 1-1/2" and 2" (Figure 3) on one fabric panel and
mark locations. Repeat procedure with remaining
loop pieces on second fabric panel, except replace the
2 inch width piece with a 4 inch width piece.
4. Stitch hook and loop
Position and stitch hook or loop tape on previously
tape to fabric panels
marked locations by using the following requirements:
Thread Type: Cotton (Type I) or polyester-covered,
polyester core (Type II) per A-A-50199.
Thread Size: Ticket No. 50 (Tex size 36 to 45) with a
minimum breaking strength of 3.2 pounds (Type I)
and 3.7 pounds (Type II) per A-A-50199.
Stitch Type: 301, ATM D6193.
Seam Type: OSf-1, ASTM D 6193.
Gauge: 1/8-inch to 3/16-inch from selvage using box
stitch at 9-11 stitches per inch (see Figure 1).
For the 4 inch loop fastener tape vertically center
stitch using 301 stitch type (see Figure 1.)
5. Initial Pad Assembly
a. Take the 21 inch fabric panels and face to each
other, stitch inside out on three panel edges using the
following requirements. When finished the assembly
should look like a bag measuring 20 inches by 20
inches (one bag with just hook and one bag with just
b. See Step 4 for thread type size and stitch type.
c. Seam Type: SSa-1, ASTM D 6193.
d. Seam allowance approximately 1/2 inch
e. Turn bag right side out.
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